US, Russia and China Together

The Rocky Road to Globalization:   At the UN in New York today, the heads of state of the US, Russia and China all meet and speak.  Syria is at the top of the list of concerns.  While the UN still does not have the political power to unite or even engage the entire world, it is a wonderful forum for discussion among friends and enemies.  The economies of every country in the world benefit when these leaders talk.

Obama talks about an integrated world.  He says that no nation can risk the forces of financial contagion.  No matter how powerful the US, or how strong the economy, the US cannot solve the world’s problems alone.  We need to work under the mantle of all nations we will fail as we did in Iraq.  Force and repression cannot set the stage of nations to succeed.

Obama calls for cooperation over conflict and sites the limitations on nuclear proliferation.  Laws and agreements mean something.  He points out that China and Russia and the US all participated in an agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear power and to open the country for entrepreneurs and business people the world over.

US, Russia and China