Marilena Nardi

Marilena NardiMarilena Nardi was born in Italy in 1966. After getting a degree in Art in 1986 and in Sculpture in 1990, she started teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice in 1992.

She drew for years for Diario, for inserts of Corriere della sera, for Gente Money, Borsa & Finanza, Salute Naturale, Monthly, Avvenimenti and many other magazines.
 Her most recent work has appeared in Barricate! and for satirical magazines Il Misfatto, L’Antitempo, Il Ruvido, the international Fire. She draws also for many blogs and online newspapers such as l’Asino, Fany-blog, Aspirina la rivista, and Buduàr. Today, she collaborates with the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano and the French quarterly Espoir.

She is member of FECO-France, Cartoon Movement and United Sketches for Freedom. Among her prizes are the Grand Prize at World Press Freedom Cartoon di Ottawa (2011), the Premio Forte dei Marmi per la Satira politica for Satirical Drawings (2013). In the 2015, her cartoon “Vecchia Europa” has been given awards in three different competitions: Second Prize at the Octavo Festival Internacional de Mentes Brilantes La Ciudad de las Ideas in Puebla Mexico, First Prize at Una vignetta per l’Europa, organized by the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, with Internazionale and VoxEurop and finally the Prix Kronik in France.


W-T-W Congratulates the Winner of the Cartoon of the Month June 2017

Gender Equality

W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Year 2016
W-T-W Cartoons of the Year / News

Mani in Tasca-


Europa Vecchia
