Stefan Hiller

Stefan Hiller, born and raised in the gold town of Pforzheim, Germany, started early to capture his surroundings visually and to record them in some form. In his youngest years he worked with all possible means. Lead and coloured pencils, watercolours, ink in any colour, even brown or black shoe polish were welcome.

With profound – partly black humour – he gives his cartoon characters their own independent characteristics and incorporates them into scenes and stories which, in their impossibility, offer only real life. In addition to the typical line, there is also an analytical power of observation: it’s the mixture that makes the difference. His talent as an illustrator and cartoonist was recognized and used extensively by the advertising agencies in which he worked as a graphic designer on concepts and campaigns

In 1994 he started his own business, lives and works with his wife and two cats in Neuenbürg, near Pforzheim….Cartoon-Werk

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