Waldemar Mandzel

Waldemar Mandzel
llustrations for children’s books, political cartoons for German newspapers. Graduate
Graphic DesignerStudy of art and visual communication / University of EssenAuthor of several books and cartoon satire. Countless humor and visual calendar.

If you are interested in buying cartoons or drawings from Waldemar Mandzel Contact Us.


W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Month April 2021

W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Month April 2016

Cartoon of the Month-Public DeptStaatsverschuldung
Age Poverty
Age Poverty -WW“…Wenn du gross bist, musst du das Boot da hinten ziehen!!”

Pull Boat WWOnce and SoonOnce and Soon-WWPension Road Pension Road-WMBeautiful Views For PensionersBeautiful Views For Pensioners-WM

More about Waldemar and Age Poverty