Inflation: All Ships Don’t Rise with a Rising Tide

Philip Pilkington writes:    Real people — and their representatives in government — don’t like inflation much you see. “Irrational nonsense!” says the vulgar Keynesian policy enthusiast, “when the price of everything goes up, your wage should rise as well. Why? Because on average, we are all sellers of something. If you work in a tea shop and the price of tea goes up, your wage can be expected to go up as well, and so forth. Remember, every dollar that one person spends becomes the income of another person!” (Adam  Smith)

That sounds great but things are actually a little more complicated. In fact, the man in the street’s distrust of inflation is probably more grounded than Smith’s abstractions. Why? Because inflation has a distributive element: it does not affect all income groups equally.

Inflation almost certainly hits lower income groups harder than higher income groups. The main reason for this is because food and energy inflation tends to be rather high, while the price of cars and electronic equipment and the like tends to be either steady or falling over time. You can see this with respect to the UK in the graph below:


Food and energy, of course, makes up a greater part of the basket of lower income households than it does higher income households. So what we did was we came up with new weights for the RPI which we thought more accurately reflected the baskets of lower income households. Since we did not have access to survey data we had to basically just make up the weights, but I think they are at least somewhat reasonable. Here is a list of the old weights versus the new weights:


And here are the results we got by comparing the RPI with the new lower income group inflation measure:


What we see is that the lower income group basket is more sensitive to price fluctuations than the standard inflation measure. If we had constructed a high income group basket and compared it, the lower income group basket would be even more sensitive again. This means that in times of high inflation lower income groups tend to see their incomes eroded more rapidly than higher income groups.

Inflation redistributes income from creditors to debtors as the real value of debt is eroded. That is generally good for lower income households. But these households do not generally see this or understand it. They do see, however, that their costs are rising while the wealthy family down the road are not experiencing the same pain and this is likely to irritate them.

Keynesian policy enthusiasts should always remember that we live in a democracy; not a technocracy run by them. If they want their policies to be put in place they require the consensus of elected leaders which ultimately means the consensus of the mass of citizens. For this reason it is probably not such a good idea to go around “celebrating” inflation. Indeed, it often comes across as elitist and lacking in any populist appeal which makes it an easy target for libertarian types who prey on peoples’ fears and misunderstandings to spread ignorance and bad ideas.