Invest in Women and Girls

As CEO of the Global Fund for Women, Musimbi Kanyoro works to support women and their ideas so they can expand and grow. She introduces us to the Maragoli concept of “isirika” — a pragmatic way of life that embraces the mutual responsibility to care for one another — something she sees women practicing all over the world. And she calls for those who have more to give more to people working to improve their communities. “Imagine what it would look like if you embraced isirika and made it your default,” Kanyoro says. “What could we achieve for each other? For humanity?” Let’s find out — together.

About the speaker
Musimbi Kanyoro · Women’s rights activist

Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro is globally recognized for her leadership of organizations and initiatives that advance health, development, human rights and philanthropy for communities, specifically for women and girls.

    1. 10 Reasons to Invest in Women and Girls
  1. More inclusive government. If you’d like to see less fighting among your elected officials, encourage women to run for public office. According to USAID, countries where women hold at least 30 percent of political seats are more inclusive, egalitarian and democratic.

  2. Improved public service delivery. The next time you’re frustrated by poor roads or a lack of potable water, vote for a woman. USAID reports that women’s political participation increases cooperation across party and ethnic lines and government responsiveness to citizens.

  3. Greater farm production. The UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization found that by empowering women farmers with the same access to land, new technologies and capital as men, crop yields could be increased by as much as 30 percent.

  4. Fewer hungry people. When women succeed, society succeeds. Nowhere is that more clear than in food production. In that same report, the Food and Agricultural Organization estimates that a 30 percent boost in production can reduce the number of hungry people by 150 million.

  5. Increased buying power. As the World Bank’s chief economist, Lawrence Summers said, “Investment in girls’ education may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world.” Each year of secondary school boosts a girl’s future earning power by roughly 20 percent.

  6. Stronger economies. Educating a girl pays dividends for her family and her country, too. According to USAID, when 10 percent more girls go to school, a country’s GDP increases on average by 3 percent.

  7. Fewer child deaths. Women who are educated are better able to take care of themselves and their children. According to UNESCO, a child born to a mother who can read is 50 percent more likely to live past age five.

  8. Less HIV/AIDS. For UNICEF, education is essential to slowing the spread of HIV/AIDS. That’s because girls who are better educated are less likely to engage in casual sex.

  9. Fewer conflicts. When women’s lives are valued, their experiences considered and their voices heard, better outcomes prevail. Through its peacekeeping operations, the UN has found that when women are included, deadly conflicts can be avoided.

  10. More lasting peace. Women have an important role to play in driving reconciliation and reconstruction. According to the UN, including women in conflict negotiation and peacebuilding efforts can lead to more widely accepted and durable peace agreements…Young African Leaders Initiative