Wirecard Viewed From A Money Laundering Perspective

Reflections on possible accounting fraud and money laundering constructions at Wirecard

By Dick Crijns, senior advisor AMLC

During the last two weeks I have been regularly asked questions about potential fraud at Wirecard. I noticed that everyone mentions potential accounting fraud and possible market manipulation, but in response to the open ends, questions are also asked about relationships with money laundering. Despite the fact that there is still very little that is really clear regarding the nature and scope of what has happened at Wirecard, I can see the necessary references points for more fraud, as well as a potential role for Wirecard in a money laundering scheme. In response to these questions, in this article I wish to set out a number of main points regarding the frauds and present some important background information.

As far as I am concerned, this is an open end article, which will be adapted as soon as more information is available. Even while writing it I was able to concretise certain aspects due to more information being released… Wirecard-money-laundering-perspective
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