How can women work against corruption?

Say “NO” to Corruption

If you see something, say something! 

People often think that corruption is “just a way of life”, but every society, sector and individual would benefit from saying “NO” to this crime.
Here are some examples of how you can say “NO” to corruption.

Ratify and enact the UN Convention against Corruption. UNCAC
Countries that successfully attack corruption are far more legitimate in the eyes of their citizens, creating stability and trust.

Know what UNCAC requires of your government and its officials.
Rooting out corruption allows social and economic development.

Educate the public about the government’s responsibility to be corruption-free. Equal and fair justice for all is a crucial element for a country’s stability and growth. It also helps to effectively fight crime.

Raise awareness with the public, media and government about the costs of corruption for key services such as health and education.
All of society benefits from functioning basic services.

Engage the youth of your country.  Teach them what ethical behaviour is, what corruption is and how to fight it, and teach them to demand their right to education.
Ensuring that future generations of citizens are brought up to expect corruption-free countries is one of the best tools to ensure a brighter future.

Report incidents of corruption.
Create an environment where the rule of law prevails.

Anonymous Whistleblowing

What South Africa Suggests


Refuse to participate in any activities that are not legal and transparent.
Increases both domestic and foreign investment. Everyone is more willing to invest in countries when they see that funds are not being siphoned off into the pockets of corrupt officials.

Foster economic stability by enforcing zero-tolerance practices towards corruption.
A transparent and open business community is a cornerstone of any strong democracy.

How can women work against corruption?
Tell us about your personal experiences.  Describe how you identified corruption and then tried to root it out.  Join our working group “SAY NO TO CORRUPTION.”
Please share with us your experience in daily life. How corruption undermines your civil society
If you see something, say something!

Honor Roll
WTW wants to encourage women networks around the world to Honor Roll women who fight corruption. A woman’s intuition is her strongest tool.  If you sense something, probe.


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* 14 . United Nations Convention against Corruption / New York, 31 October 2003
Check yourself, who signed, ratified and implemented
(ratified = national parliament)

   Design / Doaa Eladl  WTW Cartoonist  Egypt

Design / Doaa Eladl
WTW Cartoonist Egypt


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4 thoughts on “How can women work against corruption?

  1. Pingback: Women working group anti corruption | W-T-W


  3. Pingback: WTWFinance Honor Roll | W-T-W

  4. Pingback: Abgeordnetenbestechung wird härter bestraft | W-T-W

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